
Sorting numeric values stored in character fields with views.module   29 August 2007

I spent a good chunk of time this morning trying to figure out how to get the views module to sort a character field with numeric data correctly. The audio module has a normalized table of meta-data meaning that there’s one column for the tag name and one for the value. The value is stored as a character string which causes problem when sorting numeric data like the track numbers or years. If you’ve got a SELECT value FROM audio_metadata ORDER BY value that returns the range of numbers 1...13 it ends up sorted as 1,10,11,12,13,2,3...9. The trick as I discovered is to add zero to the field to coerce it to a numeric value: SELECT value + 0 AS v FROM audio_metadata ORDER BY v.

The problem then is to figure out how to get the views module to generate this bit SQL to get the sorting right. The solution I came upon is when defining the field set 'notafield' to TRUE and provide a 'query_handler' to generate the correct SQL. I’ve included the relevant parts of the audio module below to demonstrate how it works. You can see the complete code here.


function audio_views_tables() {
  $numeric_tags = array('track', 'year');

  foreach (audio_get_tags_allowed() as $tag) {
    $tables['audio_metadata_'. $tag] = array(
      'name' => 'audio_metadata',
      'join' => array(
        'left' => array(
          'table' => 'audio',
          'field' => 'vid'
        'right' => array(
          'field' => 'vid'
        'extra' => array(
          'tag' => $tag
      'fields' => array(
        'value' => array(
          'name' => t('Audio: Tag @tag', array('@tag' => $tag)),
          'sortable' => TRUE,
          'help' => t('This will display tag %tag values.', array('%tag' => $tag)),
      'sorts' => array(
        'value' => array(
          'name' => t('Audio: Tag @tag', array('@tag' => $tag)),
          'help' => t('Sort audio nodes by tag %tag values.', array('%tag' => $tag)),

    // Use different handlers for numeric tags.
    if (in_array($tag, $numeric_tags)) {
      $tables["audio_metadata_$tag"]['sorts']['value']['handler'] = 'audio_views_sort_handler_numeric_tag';
      // Set notafield to TRUE so that our handler can add the field.
      $tables["audio_metadata_$tag"]['fields']['value']['notafield'] = TRUE;
      $tables["audio_metadata_$tag"]['fields']['value']['query_handler'] = 'audio_views_field_query_handler_numeric';

  return $tables;

 * Field sort handler to convert numeric values in string fields for sorting.
function audio_views_field_query_handler_numeric($fielddata, $fieldinfo, &$query) {
  // This handler expects that the field will have 'notafield' => TRUE so that
  // we can add in our field and not have worry about views overwriting it with
  // the default.
  $query->add_field($fielddata['field'] .' + 0', $fielddata['tablename'], $fielddata['queryname']);

 * Sort handler to convert numeric values in string fields for sorting.
function audio_views_sort_handler_numeric_tag($op, &$query, $sortinfo, $sort) {
  // We go to a bunch of trouble here to make sure we're adding the same field
  // as audio_views_field_query_handler_numeric() would so that views doesn't
  // duplicate it.
  $query->add_orderby('', $sort['field'] .' + 0', $sort['sortorder'], $sortinfo['table'] .'_'. $sortinfo['field']);

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