
Dodged the Bullet Poker Ride   28 July 2008

It’s better to have an ex-fiance than an ex-wife so come help me celebrate not being married.

Date: Saturday, August 9, 2008 - 6pm until late.

Get your bike ride on. We’ll be hitting up five bars all over the city. The idea of the poker ride is that you throw down $1 as your buy in to get your first card at the Good Foot (2845 SE Stark Street, Portland, OR).

We’ll stop at four more bars all over the city and you get an additional card at each stop. At the end of the night the person with the best poker hand wins the pot. The ride ends at my house and there’s a keg of homebrew.

I’ll be throwing $50 into the pot to make it interesting–and still a whole lot cheaper than a wedding. You can swap cards with other riders if you want to make some kind of a deal, so bring your friends.

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