
Rainboduino programming via FTDI FT232RL cable   09 September 2009

Rainboduino + FTDI FT232RL cable

I bought one of the Rainbowduinos a while back but hadn’t tried programming. Turns out it’s a bit of a trick. They (sort of) document the process with a Seeedunio but I don’t have that particular board one so I decided to try to figure out how to do it using the FTDI FT232RL cable I’d bought from adafruit industries.

After finding the FTDI pinout on the datasheet and discovering that RTS is used to signal reset by the Arduino IDE I came up with the following wiring diagram.

Connect the cable pins on the left to the board pins on the right. Note: that you need to connect GND and VCC even if you’re externally powering the Rainboduino.

1 GND Black  <-> GND
3 VCC Red    <-> VCC
4 TXD Orange <-> RXD
5 RXD Yellow <-> TXD
6 RTS Green  <-> DTR

You should now be able to use the Arduino IDE to upload code. Make sure you select the correct serial port and ATmega168 as the board type.

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