Best sentences I read last week 21 July 2014
I loved how the old staff at the Wonkblog—all of whom moved to Vox—would do posts of the best sentences they read that day. I’m going to try doing a weekly version so here’s the inaugural post.
What is harder is that you get a phone call from the Israeli army telling you to evacuate your home because it will be bombed in ten minutes
‘A lottery like this won’t correct the injustice that is inherent in a pyramidal system in which not everyone can rise to the top,’ wrote Schwartz. ‘But it will reveal the injustice by highlighting the role of contingency and luck.’
Peek under Tor’s hood, and you quickly realize that just everybody involved in developing Tor technology has been and/or still is funded by the Pentagon or related arm of the US empire.
Would I rather be spending $600,000 for a liver transplant and living a restricted life afterwards, or would I rather pay $80,000 up front and guarantee I never have to go through that?
Shoup’s writing is clear and engaging, laced with metaphors comparing today’s “science” of parking planning (which advises precisely “one space per 10 nuns” at a nunnery and “one space per 2,500 gallons of water” at a swimming pool) to that of medicine in the days of leeches and astronomy when the sun supposedly orbited the Earth.
What they are hoping for, this time, is concessions not from Ramallah or from Tel Aviv, but from Cairo, Egypt.