A week of sentences 27 July 2014
Another batch of sentences from interesting articles and videos.
Memorizing all the manipulations with the joystick and the A, B and C buttons back in the days before it could be Googled – the Inferno Kick was down, toward the player, with the C button pressed, but only with the “Shaq"character, mind you – is one thing. http://espn.go.com/nba/story/_/id/11067098/lebron-james-greatest-weapon-brain
Think about the feeling you get when you give someone the high five, I had that before everybody else. http://grantland.com/features/30-for-30-shorts-high-five-invention-glenn-burke/
Would You Rather: A date see you naked, or a date see your 2013 tax return? https://medium.com/matter/public-displays-of-transaction-cede14426328
On one hand, Word didn’t want to seem priggish; on the other, it couldn’t very well go around recommending the correct spelling of mothrefukcer. http://www.wired.com/2014/07/history-of-autocorrect/
I responded to the Senior Recruiter with my requirements — $10 million a year (plus medical) and relocation of the company to New York — but disclosed that I am probably not qualified for this position since I do not have any experience in Agile. http://www.marco.org/2014/07/22/robert-half-technology
“Content” can be ported across phones, watches, gas-station pumps or any other screen, and the idea would be that movie theaters should acknowledge their place as just another of these “platforms,” albeit with bigger screens and cupholders. http://m.us.wsj.com/articles/christopher-nolan-films-of-the-future-will-still-draw-people-to-theaters-1404762696?mobile=y
We have managed to do many things that space pros doubted were possible: contact and command the spacecraft, obtain telemetry and, most important, fire ISEE-3’s engines. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/19/opinion/Rebooting-ISEE-3-Space-for-All.html
The trend line—the average of how much a CEO’s ranking is affected by stock performance—shows that a CEO’s income ranking is only 1 percent based on the company’s stock return. http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-07-22/for-ceos-correlation-between-pay-and-stock-performance-is-pretty-random
A small-but-disturbing fraction of the international anger over the war has escalated into action outright anti-Semitism in nature: shouting "gas the Jews!” during protests in Germany, attacking synagogues in France, and beating a rabbi in Morocco. http://www.vox.com/2014/7/21/5923145/gaza-anti-semitism-europe
Roots, soil and gravity – by giving up the links to life, what kind of “beauty” shall be born? http://azumamakoto.com/?p=5051
The language of materials and patterns seen in radical architecture transform as the nomadic city walks endlessly, adapting to the environments she encounters. http://www.universaleverything.com/projects/walking-city/