
Validate Swagger Docs in Jenkins   23 March 2017

Here’s a quick hack I worked out to validate Swagger documentation as part of a Jenkins pull request check. It uses curl to send the JSON off to the Swagger Validator Badge. If there are any validation errors it will display them and then fail the build.

For a pipeline style job:

stage('Swagger') {
  // Generate or update the .json file
  sh 'touch swagger.json'

  // Send off the .json file for validation
  lint = sh returnStdout: true, script: 'curl -X "POST" "http://online.swagger.io/validator/debug" --silent -d @swagger.json'
  if (lint != '{}') {
    error "Invalid Swagger:\n${lint}"

For an old freestyle job:


# Generate or update the .json file
touch swagger.json

# Send off the .json file for validation
SWAGGER_LINT=$(curl -X "POST" "http://online.swagger.io/validator/debug" --silent -d @swagger.json)
if [[ $SWAGGER_LINT != "{}" ]]; then
  echo -e "\nInvalid Swagger:\n$SWAGGER_LINT\n"
  exit 1

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