
blog index

RMO does Double Bunny  25 January 2013

Last year when the Rude Mechanical Orchestra was recording our second album, Too Big To Fail, I shot some video. I finally got it all edited with the recording from the album. If you like it you can listen to or download the full album on the band’s website.

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Rafting on the Hackensack River  12 January 2013

Finished another video a couple weeks back and forgot to post it here. I’ve been trying to go through a lot of the footage I shot while I was in NYC and turn it into projects. I’ve got a few more in the queue that I hope to get out over the next month. I hope you like it.

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Got married, moved west  12 January 2013

Posting that last video made me realize I’ve been really bad about keeping up on this whole blog thing. I hadn’t said anything about getting married to Deana back in August, or packing up and leaving New York, the month we spent in Reno while I found a job and apartment here in Berkeley. Well, that all happened and at some point it’ll end up in a video.

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As a developer I belive  13 November 2012

I’ve been doing some work on my resume and my summary kept starting to sound like a manifesto. I decided it was better to just simplify the resume and turn this into a blog post.

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I made a video  11 November 2012

I finally finished this video about our honeymoon in California. I’m really happy with how it turned out, it’s definitely the best thing I’ve shot and edited to date.

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Better New Relic reporting on sites with Panels  24 October 2012

My last week at DoSomething I spent some time working on getting better metrics on which panel pages are slow. One half of that was to use New Relic’s PHP API to provide better transaction names that included the node type and panel name:

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Report a deployment to New Relic (in python)  18 September 2012

I wanted to be able to have a fabric script report a code deployment to New Relic and eventually after brushing up on my python worked this snippet out:

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Publishing pecl channels to GitHub  16 August 2012

This is the process I used to publish a pecl channel for phpredis to GitHub pages. You can read the full background on the issue.

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Drupal on Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8)  26 July 2012

The instructions still need some work. I’d did some updating but haven’t tried using it with a clean install yet. After reading this it sounds like there’s some bigger changes. I’ve also been trying to switch from macports to homebrew so that’ll also mean some changes to this.

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New time lapse video  08 June 2012

Dan and I shot this last summer but it took a while to get it finished up. The next one is going to be even better.

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Drupal on Lion (OS X 10.7)  15 February 2012

I was half way done adding some info how to setup pecl/pear to my guide to running Drupal 6 on OS X 10.6 before I realized I’d been running Lion for almost nine months. So it seemed like a good excuse to update it for Lion. These might be a little wonky since I did an upgrade rather than a clean install so if you notice anything please drop me a line.

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Working around "broken" RSS feeds  30 January 2012

Found some more time to work on my fullfeeds project over the weekend. Finally getting into Node’s everything happens in a callback spirit, and managing to not make it look like spagetti code. Discovering the async module really helped but I’ve probably gone a little overboard with it.

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Creating a sprite from cocos2d's CCTMXTiledMap  14 January 2012

I’m working on a Pipe Mania/Dream clone for iOS using cocos2d. I was able to quickly implement the board using the CCTMXTiledMap component, but then when I started trying to figure out how to setup a sprite preview the next piece I got stuck. I’d intended to try to document all the false starts I took before figuring this solution out, but I waited too long before doing the writeup.

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Drupal for the win  08 January 2012

My Uncle Hugh called me up last year asking if I knew anyone who could help him get a website setup—he’s very polite like that—for a book he’d written on the housing crisis. Once he said he didn’t really care what it looked like—and I knew I wouldn’t have to do a bunch of themeing—I knew I’d be able to set him up something simple using Drupal, so of course I offered to help. It was a nice change from the normal insanity of incomplete specs and legacy requirements that the day jobs always entail. I got to just plug together off the shelf modules and enjoy using Drupal for a change.

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Drupal JavaScripting  11 May 2011

I was trying to find some docs on how to use Drupal’s JavaScript behaviors system to send to some people at work and realized that two years after D6 was released it was still poorly documented. The JavaScript and jQuery page had good examples of how to get JavaScript onto the page from a module or theme but didn’t really discuss what to do from that point. I spent some time adding some documentation to the page on drupal.org but wanted to put a copy here for Google’s benefit.

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Using memcached with stock OS X Apache  08 December 2010

I wanted to use memcached but didn’t want to compile all the dependencies by hand and wanted to use the stock version of Apache that ships with OS X so I cobbled together the following instructions.

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New Mac Mini  08 November 2010

I just picked up a new Mac mini servers to replace the one that’s been my desktop machine for over 2 years. The new server version has two 500GB hard drives (as opposed to the single 120GB drive I’ve been working with) but no optical drive. That seemed like a bit of an inconvenience since I just bought a MacBook Air and it doesn’t have an optical drive either so I picked up a SuperDrive that I can use with either.

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Using Mercurial and SVN  19 August 2010

At Sony we’re looking for a distributed version control system to replace Subversion—primarily Git and Mercurial. I’m very familiar with Git but hadn’t done much with Mercurial so it seemed like a good idea to use it for a couple of weeks and learn the quirks. Since I’m stuck using Subversion I decided to see if it would be feasible to use Mercurial as a “super client” working locally then pushing changes back to svn. A little Googling turned up two candidates hgsvn and hgsubversion. hgsubversion extends the commands pushing and pulling changes, giving a more native experience, so it seemed like the best choice for learning the system.

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MAMP + memcache = drilling a screw in my eye  20 July 2010

Here’s yet another blog post to document something so stupid that I hope to never do it again, but know I will. I spent the better part of the afternoon trying to get the PECL memcache extension working with the PHP 5.2 part of a MAMP installation and finally managed to get it working.

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iOS 4 is a total waste of time on iPhone 3G  23 June 2010

After two days of trying to use OS 4 on my iPhone 3G I’m sad to report that it’s a very un-Apple like release. It’s slower, it breaks a bunch of games and doesn’t offer any compelling features. I’d go as far as to say they should probably have only released it for the iPhone 3GS.

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